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Mastering Bidding and Ad Placement Strategies for Festive Season Digital Media Buying

The festive season is a golden opportunity for businesses to capture the hearts and wallets of consumers. With holiday spirits high, it's crucial to craft the right digital media buying...
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The Cookieless Revolution: The Resurgence of Contextual Advertising

In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, adaptability is key. With the dramatic shift toward a cookieless world, contextual advertising has surged in importance. Gone are the days when advertisers...
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What is a Demand-Side Platform (DSP) How does it work? Is Google Adwords a DSP?

When it comes to programmatic advertising, every player plays a role. While the ad exchanges pick up the most eligible ad in milliseconds, the host offering the ads is known...
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Already a fan of Performance Marketing? Here’s Why You Should Try Programmatic Advertising

In a fast-paced world, where online advertisers have been drastically outnumbered by web pages, nobody wants to waste their ads on spaces where the possibilities of conversion aren't handsome or...
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What is an Ad Exchange? Difference Between Ad Network and Ad Exchanges

Publishers, in partnership with the SSP, determine the best value of their ad units by managing the inventory and studying market trends. Likewise, Advertisers partner with the DSP to extract...
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